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University... is it worth it?

Ben Smith

The short answer is... it depends. It depends on you as an individual, the University you go to, and the course you intend on taking.

I didn't get it right the first time. Not many people know this, but straight from school I started studying Computer Science at Oxford Brooke's University, and I hated it. Which is why I dropped out after two months.

The best decision I've ever made.

The course wasn't for me, and the university wasn't for me. No hard feelings, just not the right fit for me as an individual.

Fast forward 4 years, and I've now graduated from the University of Manchester in Mechanical Engineering - having re-sat a few A-Levels and studied a foundation year before the 3-year course.

And I couldn't be happier, the best turnaround I could have hoped for.

What's my point here? The course you take, and the University you study at, is huge. Don't take the decision lightly.

The next point is, how do you see yourself using the degree?

Working backward, does what you want to do require a degree? If you're not quite sure, will your degree open enough doors that it still serves you once you do decide? Does it provide you with valueable skills that provide value beyond the subject?

The overlying point is, will it actually serve you?

I can't tell you if I'll ever work an engineering job, but my degree provided me with the space and time to find out who I am and what I want to do. It also provided me with skills and credibility that is already serving me. It taught me how to learn effectively, communicate my thoughts, and much more.

The final note: Find the balance between what will serve you, and what you enjoy. I know I didn't get this right the first time.

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