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The unexpected.

Ben Smith

To keep it simple, we have to remain flexible and avoid getting flustered when we have to deviate from the plan.

Guilt, frustration, stalling your progress, quitting... these are all things that we have to learn to manage and avoid when external factors throw us off course.

For example, as you might be following on the @live.plans Instagram, I've been doing a 14-day mini-cut - which I've been taking super seriously and training hard for.

A lot of social occasions have come up, meaning I haven't been able to stick to the plan - but progress still has to be made.

I've had to make the best of the situation, wiping the slate clean a few times, and simply continuing to move forward.

It's all too easy to let external forces overcome us, it's not always easy to stay on course, and there's no reason to pressurise yourself to get there.

Do the best you can, and if distractions arise use them to benefit you in some way.

In my case, I used the social occasions to refresh my head and enjoyed the moment - getting straight back on the bike afterward.

The unexpected has to be expected, because it's normal.

Do you want to take me on as a coach?

I spent over two eyars writing the most comprehensive guide to intermittent fasting, and you'll find it on your local Amazon!


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