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To snack or not to snack.

The modern food culture, in all its glory, is so abundant with choice that snacking has become easier and more satisfying than ever. However, in the grand scheme of human history, snacking can be considered a "recent" development, that our bodies are not necessarily used to.

When you eat, insulin rises and you are in "storing mode", to store the incoming food. When you don't eat, insulin falls and you are in "burning mode", meaning your body uses the energy it has stored.

When we continually snack throughout the day, in between meals from morning until night, we never give our body the chance to use what is already has.

Not only this, but the gut never has the opportunity to properly digest a given meal and "take some rest". This gut rest is especially important if you suffer from any digestive issues, as I once did with IBS.

Now snacking can have its place, especially if you have high caloric needs, or are trying to gain some weight or muscle. It may also bring you great pleasure and psychological ease which is of the upmost importance for a happy sustainable lifestyle!

Having said this, consider the frequency of meals that you consume throughout the day, and really assess (if you were in the shoes of your body) whether or not you're allowing yourself chance to process and use what you've already consumed.

Remember! Hunger is completely normal, and shouldn't be avoided entirely. It's so important to really be your own best expert to understand when a feeling is a craving or a "want" for some form of consumption, or you're actually hungry and need some food!

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