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Rest and reset.

Ben Smith

If you're approaching burnout or not quite performing at your best, a rest and reset can be a perfect way to reset the typewriter.

Taking time off will make you more productive in the long run.

So don't see time away as time "lost", but time gained in the future.

What do I mean by this?

When you return from time away you will return ready to perform. You will undoubtedly be more productive, interested, creative, etc. - and this will far outweigh the time spent taking some time to yourself.

If you're mentally burnt out, it may not be rest you require, but time away from work or studies doing things you love and enjoy, or getting a change of scenery.

In either case, how you make your return back will be make or break...

The "reset".

Wipe the slate clean, tidy and organise your environment, layout a general plan for what you need to do moving forwards, then take action.

You may look at your to-do list and think "Where do I start?", just start.

Instead of spending hours planning and refining how you're going to catch up, just start ticking things off the list, and before you know it, it will be much more manageable, and eventually back to normal.

You can easily slip into poor habits from your time away, so don't delay or beat around the bush when you make your return, get straight back into it.

Do you want to take me on as a coach?

I spent over two eyars writing the most comprehensive guide to intermittent fasting, and you'll find it on your local Amazon!


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