Having what is called ‘metabolic flexibility' means that your body is able to use glucose and fat at the appropriate times.
This is to ensure we enter the most efficient metabolic state based on food availability, so, during the day, we are primed to use glucose as we consume food, and then at night we steer towards using fat.
Our gut microbiome also ramps up during the day to support the consumption of food, and winds down at night.
When we eat food (mainly carbohydrates), insulin rises to allow us to absorb and effectively use or store this food. When insulin is high, we are primed to use glucose for fuel, not fat.
So, when we eat food (mainly carbohydrates) around the clock, from first thing in the morning until late in the evening, all with snacks inbetween, we never allow our body to use stored fat.
To maintain metabolic flexibility (to put it in layman's terms) we must allow our body to use what it has.
This can be done by fasting or allowing for sufficient time between your meals, as opposed to continually snacking.
But what are the benefits? Improved insulin sensitivity, so you're better at absorbing the food you consume. This means you have stable energy (with no crashes) and can go sustained periods without food without getting hungry.
In short, you regain control. Control of your energy levels. Control over what you can eat, effectively absorb and use.
(I hope this makes sense, I picked some tricky ones this week)