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Failure is a good thing.

Ben Smith

The closing question of my podcast is "If you were to undo all of your greatest failures, but everything that came as a result disappeared, would you?".

So far, 3 guests, 3 categoric "hell no's".

Why do I ask this question?

I ask it because I know that sometimes it's hard to see a light at the end of the tunnel in moments of failure and darkness.

But one day, in many cases, you'll look back and be grateful for those moments and how they shaped your life.

I want to remind you of this every time I sit with a new guest.

The most recent guest (Josef Rakich, which is linked below) referred to failures as "like someone leading a blind person in the right direction", which I found extremely powerful.


If you told me this when I suffered from depression at 19, or when I had IBS (an even lower low), I would have probably told you to f*ck off.

Now, years later, I am forever grateful for when they taught me and for how much I grew, alongside all of the smaller failures along the way - and there have been MANY.

Two things to keep in mind along the way:

1. Every day you fight you are getting stronger and more resilient. If you are able to overcome the lowest of lows, you are powerful.

2. The faster and earlier you can fail, the better, in my opinion. How quickly can you recognise and learn from failures, and use them to pivot in the right direction?

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